Sunday 18 August 2013

Vegan Breakfast Recipe: Naughty macadamia chocolate maple scrolls

So, maybe it's the weekend and you're thinking pastry is everything you'd like for breakfast. Or an afternoon snack. Or a just-anytime-treat. I don't blame you, friend. Pastry is AH-MAY-ZING. And I have adapted these little beauties for all your delicious bread-y breakfast and snack needs.


One and a half cups of mild tasting soy-milk (I use Vitasoy Soy Milky Lite)
A tablespoon of caster sugar
A 7 gram packet of dried yeast
The equivalent of one egg
Four cups of flour
Ninety grams of coconut oil (the mild/no taste variety), melted
Half a cup of brown sugar,
One hundred grams of macadamias, chopped
One hundred grams of dark chocolate, grated
A third of a cup of maple syrup

How to:

Warm the soy-milk. Not to hot, not to cold. The yeast-proofing temperature.

Add the caster sugar and the yeast to the milk and stir. Sit it for ten minutes to make sure the yeast is good. You want to see some decent puff in the milk mix. Get your flour in a big bowl.

I added my egg replacement to the flour before adding the yeast mixture, which is the next step.

Gather the dough together and give it a little knead on the countertop. You don't need (haha!) to go overboard, a couple of minutes should do it.

Stick it back in the bowl and cover with a damp cloth, put in a warm place (remember my winter trick of hot water in the sink, balancing the bowl on a cup) for an hour or until doubled in size.

Turn it out and knead it again on your floury countertop (haven't wiped it down in between kneads? Me neither) then roll it out good into a 30 by 40 cm rectangle.

Now for super-messy fun times, which I forgot to take pictures of mainly because my hands were too doughy to touch the camera...

Okay so spread a third of the melted coconut oil over the dough, I poured it on and brushed it. And then sprinkle it with a third of the brown sugar. And THEN, (assuming your dough is positioned like mine with the longest edge across and the shorter edge going up) fold the dough across into thirds so the oil and sugar are tucked inside the folds.

Turn the dough and roll it out again so you have the same thirty by forty cm rectangle.

Top it with another third of the oil and brown sugar, repeat the roll out.

Okay, So now, spread the rest of the oil and brown sugar over your layered rectangle. Sprinkle on the grated chocolate evenly.

Sprinkle on the macadamias and maple syrup, also evenly.

Now grab the long end closest to you and roll it up evenly, like you're rolling up delicious cardboard.

Cut the roll into ten even pieces, and lay them out on a baking tray that's either been oiled or is covered in greaseproof paper.

Now would be a good time to turn the oven on to 180 degrees celsius.

Now, set up your warm space again, put your damp cloth over the rolls, and leave them to sit for twenty minutes until they're raised again.

Put them in the oven for about twenty five minutes, or until they are nicely brown and cooked through.

Cool those babies on a wire rack, and eat them as soon as humanly possible.

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