Tuesday 20 August 2013

Vegan Lunch Recipe: Classic curried 'egg' sandwich

Sandwiches made my shudder for the longest time. Ugh. They made me think of school lunches, what a drag. Hot vegemite sandwiches, curling at the edges, that sit in your bag FOR EVER. Yep, I was off sandwiches for ages. And then I remembered sandwiches and thought I'd give them another crack.

You know what kind of sandwiches I loved on the weekend? Egg. It's odd, because my relationship with egg was always a bit uneasy, and soft poached eggs made me feel actually sick. But a good ole, hardboiled egg mashed up with some mayo and curry? Loved it.

Fast forward to me no longer eating egg. Excellent decision, except for the whole missing egg sandwiches on the rare occasion I even thought about sandwiches at all. But then I discovered this recipe, and now it is my staple sandwich go-to. Thanks, online vegan community!

Curried tofu, quantity provides me a week's worth of sangas:


Quarter cup of apple cider vinegar
One teaspoon of yellow mustard seeds
A third of a cup of raisins

300g of tofu (I prefer momen style) and, this is important, PRESSED. By which I mean, get a tofu press, or two plates, wrap your tofu in paper towel and put it in the sink in the press, or on one of the plates and under the other plate, and put a can on top to weigh it down. You want all the excess moisture out of that sucker.

A spring onion, chopped
A handful of parsley, chopped
A tablespoon of sunflower seeds and pepitas, mixed

Half a cup of vegan mayonnaise (Praise fat free is incidentally vegan for ease of purchase, there are also some fabulous health food store brands, or you can make your own... recipe forthcoming!)
One to two tablespoons of mild curry powder
A teaspoon of salt
Cracked pepper.

Heat the apple cider vinegar, then pour it over the mustard seeds and raisins. Leave for at least ten minutes (so while you're pressing the tofu).

Put the tofu in a bowl and mash with a fork. You want it chunky, like egg.

Add the raisins and curry seeds, and a bit of the vinegar. I HATE soggy sandwiches, so I don't add too much. You want it eggy, remember? And you're adding all that mayo.

Add your parsley, spring onion, and pepita/sunflower seed mix.

Chuck in the mayo, curry, salt and pepper.

Mix thoroughly, and don't forget to taste it to check your salt and spices. When you first taste it, before it's refrigerated and had time to soak the flavours, you may get a slight tofu taste. Don't worry, that's gone within half an hour in the fridge.

Make yourself a bloody delicious sandwich. I recommend avocado, lettuce, tomato, maybe a bit of relish or vegan cheese.

And it's so much more calorie conscious than actual curried egg! It's a winner all round!

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